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My Qualifications
In 1995 I left a lucrative job as an accountant and started a life long journey of studying psychotherapy and transformation techniques to help myself and others to bring freedom from shackles of the past self-sabotaging beliefs stored in our subconscious mind.
My acquired therapeutic qualifications are as follows:
2019 Rapid Transformational Therapist Certificate
- The Marisa Peer School -
2006-2009 Luminous Healing & Energy MedicineCertificate of Professional Competency
- The Four Wind Society Light Body School -
1998-2000 Working with Chemically Dependent Clients Certificate
- DrugLine, South London -
1996-1998 British Medical Hypnotherapy Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy
- London College of Clinical Hypnosis,
Birkbeck College, University of London -
1998 Counselling Skills & Theory Level 2 Certificate
- Surrey Open College Federation -

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