
I had a life changing therapy session with Hanna last week and I feel like a completely different person. She managed to free me of my food addictions and the weight issues I have had for years, all in ONE SESSION! She also helped me rid myself of emotional blocks I had towards men which I didn't even realise I had and then replaced that previous feeling of resentment with the Love of the Universe. I feel lighter and so much more free. I have been listening to her personalised tape every night - which she did an incredible job of - and I'm really looking forward to seeing the long term effects how these new improvements change my life. Thank you Hanna for your open hearted generosity and sharing your wisdom and healing with me. I am eternally grateful to you for all you have done for me.
I have freed myself of 10 pounds of weight! And the best part is that it happened EFFORTLESSLY! I didn't have to change anything about my diet, my workout regime, anything, just my mental state! Now looking back, I guess my body just felt comfortable to release the weight it had held onto for self-protection after the therapy session where I was able to release the mental traumas which caused this. I now feel so much more full of self-love. Thank you Hanna for the life-changing sessions. You are the best therapist I have ever been to!
A week after just one session:
I think our session was a great experience & exactly what I needed to start feeling more fulfilled.
I'm listening to the recording every day and I always feel very relaxed & content afterwards.
Over the last week I'm filled with a lot more positive energy & I want to share that with the people around me. I am catching up with friends more often in the evenings where I would normally prefer a quiet night on the couch and I'm more open minded towards people I don't know. I honestly got a lot of compliments over the last week, which I found unusual. I think I'm walking around with a lot more happiness & confidence. When I look in the mirror, I don't see only my "flaws", I start to see a joyful Marianna.
One of my friends who saw me on the weekend at a boat party said at the end that I seemed different & more carefree so that shows there is an effect on my social environment as well.
So, I have seen quite some changes during the last week, but I think I'm on a journey to strengthen those positive effects in my everyday life. Thank you once again for our session!
Hanna is an amazing therapist. I trusted her the minute I saw her. Her wisdom is endless, and the best thing: she let’s you participate in it and shares her knowledge with you. I had the most fantastic experience understanding the root cause of my issue and her empowerment strengthened my back and helped me see my options. Her warm and kind personality, her understanding of the world, made me relax easily. Thank you for that support, Hanna.
I’ve had hypnotherapy sessions before but the experience in Hanna’s session is something truly out of this world. It is safe to say she is an incredibly gifted light worker and this is her calling. I recommend her to anyone who might feel confused, a little stuck, or someone who knows they need some guidance but perhaps doesn’t know which direction to look in. Hanna conducted a seamless session that left me welling up with tears of pure joy and she was able to detect and articulate the roots of old outdated and limiting beliefs and guide me to successfully pull them out of my subconscious. She’s amazing - I’ll be returning and recommending her far and wide!! Thank you Hanna!!
I am so grateful Hanna came into my life. I have had many life and career coaching sessions before, but this was very different. She really helped me change my limiting beliefs by going into the subconscious mind through hypnosis. I had 3 sessions with her, and one of the main shifts I felt during this time was that I became happier and more fulfilled. Even though I don't have some of the things I want right now, I am manifesting them and I know they will come at the perfect time. I also got feedback from some of my friends that they see me happier and shining! I was a bit scared when I first went into hypnosis since I was afraid what I would find, but after I just really enjoyed each of the sessions and I love listening to the recordings. I really recommend Hanna's sessions to anyone.
My session with Hanna was life changing! I’ve done all different types of therapy over the years, which have been hugely helpful in understanding my patterns of behaviour and limiting beliefs, however the session with Hanna actually helped me to get to the deep rooted issues and actually clear them. Childhood issues I’d been carrying around with me for the whole of my adult life; shed light on and released. I feel lighter, brighter and my authentic self again. Everyday I fall more and more in love with myself which has given me so much more confidence, more self worth and I believe, trust in my life’s purpose. Thank you so much Hanna, you are an Earth Angel, amazing light worker and healer. Thank you again!
I had one session with Hanna on 24 September 2019 and it has had a powerful and positive impact on me. During the session, Iwona prepared a 20-minute recording for me to listen to each day. The initial session and listening to the recording have shifted my thinking significantly. I don't feel shackled by the old fears that kept me in a very uncomfortable frame of mind, too scared to do what I wanted, and too willing to conform to other people’s expectations of me. I have listened to the recording at least once a day and hearing her voice repeating the positive growth that came out of the session is a highly energizing and nurturing experience. I have found that even when a situation occurs that used to send me into a tailspin of anxiety, fear, and confusion, I am able to reframe the event from a much more powerful standpoint in which I can see myself as entitled to be myself and express myself. Miserable old memories of similar experiences don’t come to my mind like they used to. I now have a strong sense of having my feet planted on solid ground at last after decades of traumatizing fear and sense of inadequacy. Hanna's recording reminds me that I can look at challenges that arise as confirming my strength and opportunities to be myself rather than being dictated to by fears and concern with other people’s perceptions of me. Hanna advised me to listen to the recording once a day, but in the month that has passed since the session I have regularly listened to it twice or three times. It is a great source of strength and joy for me. Thank you, Hanna, for the wonderful help you have given me.
A week after just one session:
I have found myself not craving junk food which is great. I have eaten some food a couple of times due to feeling sad….. but I have recognized what was happening and I have stopped myself most of the time.
My first day at work there were 2 cakes being shared and I just said I don’t eat cake (so easy and I really didn’t want to eat it) that’s new . I have also dropped 4lbs and have been walking most days
Hi Hanna. I found your session very helpful. I felt held through out the session, understood what was happening as you explained it very well. Since the session, I listened to your recording for about 15 days, although I felt resistance to doing so, I continued, and feel I have got benefit from it. I intend to re-listen to it this month for the full 21 days. (I meant to start yesterday, so will start today) Since the session I have had my ups and downs, but have a stronger belief in myself, and have been more happy contacting people. I am more accepting of myself, who I am, not trying to be someone else. Since our session, I have had two interviews, and got a short term job. I have also hopefully got some contract work, which I am just following up on. Moving towards clarity, but not there yet, as have two differing ideas of the way forward. Thank you for everything, all is as it will be, and things are shifting.
During my RTT session with Hanna she helped me find the stray threads that enabled me to unravel not only the issue I came to her with, but also to see how it interwove into other areas of my life. It was truly a privilege to work with someone so adept. Hanna's compassionate work with just one session will impact the rest of my life.
Over the last two months, I've worked with Hanna on numerous aspects of my life that I felt needed attention. Manifesting abundance and success, as well as visualisation and asking myself some difficult questions has st me on a path to a freer, more empowered, Self. Becoming aware of subconscious conditioning that led to repetitive bad habits, I have been able to rewire my mindset and continue to grow daily. I'm now becoming the man I've always wanted to be! Thank you for everything!
I'm so glad that I joined Hanna's workshop! She has a fantastic way with words and simplifying broad concepts into a few short sentences that just make sense. I felt amazing after the session and was surprised at the difference in my energy after completing the exercises!
Hanna is incredible and I always come away from her workshops feeling so inspired. Her talks are delivered with such warmth and are so powerful. I'm always such excited in the lead up to them! Thank you so much Hanna!
I can honestly say that the stuff that was triggering me is either almost gone or affects me very little. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say it’s probably about a one... All the little triggers when they do come up, go away immediately. Basically, they don’t exist anymore. Which is great and makes me a lot happier. I had an audition and I didn’t feel any pressure or anxiousness trying to get it right, I just felt very comfortable and relaxed.
I had my first session with Hanna and she changed my way of thinking. I feel like a completely different person, I am a powerful Manifester! I am living the most epic life and I am ready to grow to my infinite potential! It was a such a pleasure to meet you and I'm so excited to join you again to transform my life. Thank you Hanna!
Wow - what a beautiful, amazing woman you are Hanna. I love your vibe and so enjoy your workhops. I'm super psyched for the next one and so grateful to be part of it!
Hanna, I loved your workshop! You are honestly amazing, I am totally in awe!! Thank you for sharing so much wisdom with us all!
I held back on sharing this referral initially because, truthfully, I needed to be absolutely sure before pouring my thoughts into this testimonial. But wow my session with Hanna was nothing short of amazing. She took the time to unravel my story, digging into my past and present, to truly
understand who I am and what I wanted to achieve. Before we even started, she had a grasp on my life experiences and character and listened with understanding.
What blew me away was how she seamlessly wove all of these challenges into the treatment and
meditation. I realised where all of these issues were coming from. I was right back to the event
which had been hidden in my subconscious mind for a long time. I didn’t even realise where these behaviors and beliefs had started. It wasn't just about dealing with issues; it was about facing them head-on.
It didn’t stop just with the session—it carried through to the post-treatment meditation, helping me
hold on to that positive mindset and take on a new mindset and checking in with me to guide me
through a particular challenge.
Now, did it work? I have to admit, I was taken aback. Situations I'd been grappling with for over 40
years have felt more manageable. I have found a different way of looking at things. It really hit me—I had this power within me all along.
One moment in particular stood out after the treatment, where I was at an event- I suddenly
realised that I was on the dance floor, breaking free without a care in the world, surrounded by
strangers, and having an amazing time. No longer held back from the fun I have often denied myself in the past.
My heartfelt thanks to Hanna for her incredible gift and beautiful spirit. The session and the genuine support she gave me afterwards, (especially when I confronted past challenges), I could face with a
renewed sense of strength - it means the world to me.
Now it’s up to me to continue the work..
Heartfelt thanks Hanna.
- ALLY -
Hanna is amazing. She makes you feel so comfortable and at home, at ease to talk to with comfort and compassion. She spends a lot of time getting to know you and the situation, and you can really tell it is her passion. My session was the 3-4 hour session and it ended up being around 4.5 hours, you can really tell Hanna puts her all into the session. Hanna gives you the gift of self empowerment to change your life, give yourself a whole day at least to process the whole experience, it has made me see things a lot differently and has given me the calmness i was looking for. Hanna has a unique kind and caring nature that really makes you trust and feel really looked after throughout the whole experience, it feels like talking to a best friend. I cant thank her enough, highly recommend.
- SARAH L. -
I’m a business owner and endurance athlete, who was looking to improve my performance both in the moment and when it came to making big moves forward. 2 months ago I had a RTT session with Hanna (who was a pleasure to work
with). In reflection, the session has really changed my life and my behaviour in the direction that we planned. I’d never done anything like this before, so was really quite surprised that it had such a profound effect, relatively quickly. I really recommend listening to the recording, made at the end of the session, daily. I have used it both before bed and also before high performance requirements (it completely settled and put me in the right head space for these events). Thank you Hanna!
- James Gilboy -
I got in touch with Hanna after a recommendation from an acquaintance. After only three sessions with Hanna, this woman had found love and happiness, including meeting her life partner. Having tried many different methods all over the world to reach my full potential in the past decade, I'm always skeptical - but I was impressed by the positive energy of this woman. I wanted what she had!
I'd tried hypnosis before without feeling like it "worked" for me, so I was concerned that the same would happen again. However, it didn't: old memories arose in my session with Hanna. She helped me understand how these events had affected my views and held me back in life. She also helped me unblock the beliefs.
I sought Hanna's help to improve in romance and finance, and we had our first session less than two weeks ago. I noticed results already in the first week when I got my first date in over six months! I keep getting numbers from men, and I've also gotten more business opportunities. I feel more like a magnet to men and money than before.
What I love about Hanna's method is that it's simple, time-effective, and affordable. You don't have to spend months or years talking to a therapist or travel to the jungle to see a shaman. Instead, you can change your life in just a few hours from the comfort of your home! I can't imagine a better RTT therapist since Hanna's passion and professionalism are second to none. If you want to improve your life, get in touch with her!
Our session has been a life changing experience so I am grateful to you for all what you did and you continue doing. I am listening to the recording everyday and I love it. It is great to sense love and light in your voice and deep inside me I know that everything is possible when I am aligned with it.
The main belief I feel letting go of is "I have to be perfect to be loved and accepted" and it was replaced with "I am enough" and "things come to me easy, kind and gentle" messages that I wrote also on mirrors!
Since our session, I noticed (and my friends too) a shift in me I feel calmer and more balanced. I feel blessed, grateful and in tune.
Hanna is a safe and powerful force. She has a rare gift; she listens deeply to you and your current interpretation of your story, you are truly heard. This is where the healing starts I feel, she doesn’t try to ‘fix you’. The sessions are a natural and inevitable transition to a better clearer more conscious you. I have had several sessions with Hanna on different life issues, it has been a revelation to me, how my old unconscious patterns affected my every day life, and once realised, how they fall away easily. I was given a bespoke tape to listen to for 21 days after each session, this really helped consolidate and transform my behaviour, its calming and relaxing to listen to also. Highly recommended.
What an amazing session! Iwona is an expert in her field and it really shows. My favorite part of her techniques is her ability to get you to dig into your own mind, rather than telling you what you should or should not feel. This allowed me to connect into my brain and find out what was really going on. With setting up my own business I was having lots of internal battles which are now made easier through Iwona's techniques. I can comfortably let go of any emotions which are not serving any greater purpose to society or myself. I would, without doubt, encourage anyone to try a session, go in with an open mind, and reap the rewards!
I have been to group and private sessions with Hanna and she has provided a framework and a practice for addressing our internal barriers and traumas. This is a nurturing, productive and constructive manner and I am so grateful for all her help and creative input to a pathway for change.
I feel her insight, experience and compassion radiates and to work with her in personal growth really can assist with psychological and spiritual issues as she so helps that process of digging and bringing these things to light.
I'm so glad that I joined Hanna's workshop! She has a fantastic way with words and simplifying broad concepts into a few short sentences that just make sense. I felt amazing after the session and was surprised at the difference in my energy after completing the exercises!
I really enjoyed the Manifesting with Love workshop with Hanna - She held space so beautifully! There was so much wisdom shared, and amazing practices throughout. I really love the way Hanna inspired and informed the group through her own research and experience! Thank you Hanna!
Thank you for helping me find the space to open myself up to more love.
My session with Hanna helped me challenge and BREAK FREE from MY inner beliefs and traumas that kept me from living the life I desired. By finding out my gain in having them in my life, questioning the benefit by asking myself if they really served me? Finding out what untrue beliefs they made me hold about myself. Surrendering them to love, and CHALLENGING them and adopting the beliefs with which I want to create the life I desire. She helped me learn how to be a magnet to the things I want to attract into my life by letting go of victimhood and reclaiming my power that was given to others. She helped me in my journey of "POWERLESS victim of the world" to "POWERFULL co-creator of my life". She taught me that in every waking moment we have choice of being "Hostage to our Ego's" or "Host to Love". And how it's all our choice on what we choose to vibrate with. She helped awaken to my shadow, helped me cleanse it and awaken to my omnipotent power in creating my life. Which gave my life purpose as my healing of my traumas is a service to the world. She helped me realize that my so called negative emotions such as pain were an opportunity for my healing my own shadow. She helped me awaken to who I truly am. She helped me awaken to the realization of my to voices love or fear and the choice in listening to which voice
(aged 17) UAE