Iwona Hanna Wadwa is a Life Transformation Coach, based in Dubai, with over 20 years of experience helping others create positive and lasting changes in their lives. In 1995, she left a lucrative job as an accountant and started a life long journey of studying psychotherapy and transformation techniques to help herself and others, and along the way acquiring the following qualifications:
2019: Rapid Transformational Therapist Certificate
- The Marisa Peer School -
2006-2009: Luminous Healing & Energy Medicine
Certificate of Professional Competency
- The Four Wind Society Light Body School -
1998-2000: Working with Chemically Dependent Clients Certificate
- DrugLine, South London -
1996-1998: British Medical Hypnotherapy Diploma
in Clinical Hypnotherapy
- London College of Clinical Hypnosis,
Birkbeck College, University of London -
1998: Counselling Skills & Theory Level 2 Certificate
- Surrey Open College Federation -
The principle of her work lies in understanding that we do not get better by suppressing our hurtful emotions or resisting our self-sabotaging behaviours. And in order to change our life, we have to understand what causes them.
“We can’t fix what we can’t understand and we can’t heal what we don’t feel”
Using the Rapid Transformation Therapy techniques, EMDR, EFT, NLP, the teachings of 'A Course In Miracles', The 4 Winds Society and the wisdom of her own life journey, she guides her clients through the process of understanding the root cause of their painful emotions and harmful, self-sabotaging behaviours. They can then transform their limiting beliefs that are stored in their subconscious mind and by letting them go, they awaken and reconnect to The Presence of their true power of The Unconditional Love that resides within us all. Now liberated and empowered by frequency of Love, they can create the life, body, finances and relationship they desire rather than recreate their life of fear, helplessness and constant, heart breaking disappointments. With their changed perception of the world, their world changes accordingly.
After each session, Hanna's clients receive a personalised recording. As the mind learns by repetition, by listening to it daily, they affirm and reinforce their new positive beliefs and make positive changes in their life.
Iwona Hanna Wadwa's Story...
For years I felt and saw myself as a powerless victim of my abusive, narcissistic, and alcoholic childhood. I defined myself by my past experiences – by what was done to me and what was said about me. I hated my body and my weight, and deep inside I saw myself as a powerless, unlovable, and worthless waste of space which manifested itself in my depression and self-sabotaging and harming, addictive behaviour.
My healing journey started over 35 years ago when I became aware of the rage, fear and all the negative emotions from the past that were suppressed within me. Then after years of soul searching came the acceptance of the Truth that they were NOT caused by the behaviour of others but by my own fearful interpretation of what they meant about me, based on the negative beliefs that I held about myself from the past traumas. My current life challenges were not "proof" of my powerlessness, worthlessness and not being good enough, as I suspected about myself, but instead, they gave me now the opportunity to choose differently guided by Love. As I had the power to create them with fear, I now could use that power to let them go and let Love in.
In 1995, I became a zealous student of 'A Course In Miracles'. This put me on the journey of reconnecting to the true essence of my being and awakening to the Power of the Presence of Love within me.
I awoke to the Truth that nothing that I did or was done to me could take away that Unconditional Love that resides within me and everyone else.
I trained with many Masters and studied many psychotherapy and mind transformation therapies and with courage and my growing forgiveness, gratitude and reprogramming of my subconscious mind, I liberated myself from many self-harming behaviours and stopped seeing myself as an unfairly treated powerless victim. My healing journey continues as I take responsibility for my Happiness and my wellbeing, and I choose The Presence of Love to guide me in manifesting the body and life I desire, and with Gratitude I attract and accept Love, Happiness, and Abundance for myself.
Awakened to my True Power, I now am passionately committed to help others to be free of the shackles of their own self sabotaging fearful beliefs and allow their True Self to shine; to create their desired life and body, empowered by The Presence of Love within them.